SAP calculations are an important part of the building energy assessment process. They are used to ensure that a new development meets modern energy standards and will not increase the energy costs of the property. In addition, SAP will tell a client how much it will cost to run the property. While they are typically required for new builds, some extensions or home conversions may require them as well. Here are some of the steps involved in completing SAP calculations. (See the links below for more details).

First of all, what are SAP calculations? SAPs are a measure of a home’s energy efficiency and are used in Building Regulations, Energy Performance Certificates, and Stamp Duty exemption for zero carbon homes. The first SAP calculation was made in 1992, and was incorporated into Part L of the Building Regulations in 1994. While many developers, architects, and builders are familiar with this process, the first time self builder may not be aware of it.

Once the SAP calculation is complete, the calculations are compared to the Target Emission Rate (TER) for the property. Ideally, the DER is lower than the DFEE because of the higher energy use of the property. However, since the regulation is much stricter in Scotland, it is not necessary to calculate DFEE and DER before deciding on the final design. A home that does not meet both criteria will not be approved by Building Regulations and will not be able to be let or sold.

Another method is to lower thermal mass. Changing the insulation level in the building can increase the SAP calculation. By removing unnecessary materials, you can reduce the energy consumption of the property by more than 10%. The use of improved heating controls can also improve the SAP score of the property. Weather compensators and delayed start thermostats are just a few of the options available to improve the efficiency of the building. These solutions can greatly reduce your costs of operating the building and make it more energy-efficient.

The APT (Aerosol Pressure Test) is an important part of the SAP calculation. In a building, this is a test for the air-tightness of the building. This test is carried out before the home is completed. This test will show how much air leakage has occurred, and how much energy is being wasted. Those who have not already had their buildings tested should consult a qualified architect to determine whether the air-tightness of their building will affect their insurance premiums.

As part of the Building Regulations, SAP calculations are a key part of residential design. In addition to being a vital component of the building code, SAP also helps the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. It is essential to follow SAP guidelines to reduce your carbon footprint, as it can reduce your fuel bills and the amount of CO2 that you emit. But what are SAP calculations? How do they help you achieve the maximum reduction in your home?